Magpies of Sheffield

Yesterday morning I went for a quick stroll around the city centre in Sheffield before breakfast. It was bitterly cold and the streets were mainly empty, a good opportunity to take a few pictures. As I made my way down Devonshire Street from the car park, I came across this stencil of a magpie; Sheffield Magpie 7It was placed on the wall above a cigarette bin outside a bar and was marked with the number 7. As I moved on, I pondered the significance of it’s given number and the zipper across it’s beak. I didn’t have to wait too long for an answer of sorts as I discovered number 7’s sibling – number 8, who was perched outside another bar on Division Street; Sheffield Magpie 8After breakfast, I spotted yet another member of the clan – number 5, hanging around outside a store on the way back up Devonshire Street to the car; Sheffield Magpie 5I would have happily spent another few hours searching for the rest of the group* but it was still freezing cold and I didn’t think junior unsubscriber would have shared my enthusiasm so we headed for home. I shall return to the hunt another morning.

Postscript – After doing a little research about these intriguing stencils online later in the evening, I found a picture of yet another family member – number 6, on a rather fine blog called Little Bits Of Sheffield (here).

* The collective noun for magpies is a tittering, or so I’m led to believe.

2 thoughts on “Magpies of Sheffield

  1. Little bits of Sheffield 14/01/2013 / 7:32 pm

    Hi, Thanks for adding the link to Little Bits of Sheffield.
    The Magpies were painted by coLor around the same time he did a series of Ay Up Ducks – three of which were featured on LBOS here:
    I also found this pigeon painted in a similar style but it is a little harder to find:
    More from coLor on Postcard Cafe here:
    I posted one of my favourites on Oct 11th and is definitely worth a look!!!
    Other posts on LBOS here

    coLor had a fantastic 2012 and his artwork has reached most corners of Sheffield!
    His website is here
    As for the zipper on the beak – 7 for a secret never to be told. 5 for silver. Hence Magpie No.6 for gold on LBOS features gold paint!
    Keep the photos coming…
    Best wishes, N 😉


    • unsubscriber 14/01/2013 / 7:48 pm

      Thanks so much for the info, I’ve been wondering about these fantastic little stencils since seeing them on Sunday morning. I’m sure my slightly compulsive nature will drive me back into Sheffield to find and photograph them all now! I’ve just checked out your links, great photos as ever – The Fish Tank piece is brilliant! I have a few more pictures from Sunday to come so keep your eyes open.


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